A little more progress with the engine, lots of things part done and a few finished

The cylinder base is a straightforward piece of milling and drilling followed by the usual filing/sanding. The geometry is marked out first but machining is carried out using coordinates from one corner.
The hole for the stay bar needs to go in at six degrees so the base is twisted in the vise and the hole bored with a slot drill.
The bush in the centre of the base aligns the cylinder to the rod and provides a home for the gland.
The gland was next up and gave me a chance to use my rotary table for the first time. The angle is set so that the sides can be milled.
Next step is to drill the mounting holes and centre drill for the piston rod. The hole for the piston rod is best drilled on the lathe when the boss is turned down to ensure concentricity.
The boss was turned and the gland parted off. I then remembered I had intended to cut off the gland with a slitting saw, what a memory? Parting with an interupted cut is not a relaxing passtime.
All that was left was some filing and sanding to blend the profiles. I made some buttons up to do the ends, 4mm diameter with M1.6 screw. The nut is only there because I have just made the first of many and it needed a home.
That's all for now, I have the week off this week so hope to make more progress. Need to make lots of nuts so not too exciting but quite relaxing.