A little more retail therapy

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Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
Crewe, Cheshire, UK
I am trying to force myself to get back into my shop, so I decided to do a bit of buying along the way, just to make me feel a bit better.

I am a great believer in good photos in the shop, as a picture can say myriads more than can ever be described in words, so what I buy, ends up as just another tool to be used, and spends most of its' time amongst the swarf and grime, with only a very odd outing to take pictures of something else.

Like usual, I have gone for a Fuji again, a SH10, about 2 steps, and a year behind the latest version, but instead of costing about 450 squid, I bought a Fuji factory refurbished one for 200, and I would defy anyone to tell it from a brand new one, it even came with the normal 1 year guarantee.
These pics were taken with my old Fuji S8100, as it is a bit difficult trying to get a camera to take a picture of itself.

This is the beast itself.
30X manual optical zoom, and it focuses down to 1cm (just under 1/2")
It also does hi speed filming, up to 1000 frames per second, so that allows you to s-l-o-w down your videos so you can see what is happening.


A back shot showing that it has loads of gizmos that most probably will never be used. I bought the camera purely because it has the long zoom, great macro and hi speed video. Plus the next bit in the next shot.


It has a swing up viewfinder, which takes me back to my professional photography days, doing things at waist level, which is great for me, much easier to compose shots.


The zoom is fully manual, twist the grip to go in/out, like a normal film camera zoom, and if you want it to do, you can manually focus it as well.
I just don't know where that lens goes to when it is retracted, by the size of it, it looks like it should push the back out of the camera.


I just hope that this will produce better results than I have had in the past.

So now onto another item.

It seems like I am pushing Arc Euro, but I have nothing to do with them commercially, it is just that they are coming out with some wonderful new items (and it looks like there is more and better to come), and very reasonably priced.
A digital mic, 0 to 25mm, or 0 to 1", at the press of a button.
As you can see, it is the same size as a normal mic except for that big lump hanging on the back, but it doesn't seem to get in the way, as I was able to handle it single handed, even in my gammy hand. The main difference apart from the box is the way the friction works. It is the opposite of a normal mic. The ratchet is the big barrel and the full pressure is the knob on the back.


At the same time I also bought a set of mic adapters, but really they are only for use with digital mics as it makes reading a normal mic a little difficult when one is fitted. Some are more useful than others, but that is always the case with things like this.


Just pop on the adapter and zero up the digital bit. Now i can get into tiny places to measure up.


While I was at it, I bought the 25 to 50mm and the 50 to 75mm, I just couldn't help myself.

Where from, here of course.


Got to keep some pennies back as I am off to the new show tomorrow.


hi john
nice camera, looks like it should take some great pictures and the mics are real nice. i bought a digital mic about a year or so ago and i use it all the time.

take care and i for one look forward to some great pictures of the stuff you will be working on. th_wwp th_wwp

IIRC in the the past fuji made some of the best SLRS . I would expect the digis are no different. I have not been able to talk myself into a digital SLR or more aptly spending the money for one. One still has to be the master of the tool but it looks like that one will do it all except push its own buttons.
Good luck with it and have fun
Great haul John!!

You better be taking the new camera to the show and have some pics to share!!! ;D

Well done John, I could find lots of uses for the high speed photography.

Retail Therapy is generally cheaper and longer lasting than the professnal kind anyway. That camera looks real nice, I'd like to see the slow-mo video function, that sounds like great fun.
nice score John :bow:
take heaps of pics at the show!
1000 frames a second can come in aweful handy for debugging fast moving parts!
Nice score John!

Nice one Bogs, I have a Fuji S, not quite up to that one, it's a beauty. :bow:

Best Regards
Nice toys Bogs! Thm:

You know how I like to see model engine running S-L-O-W.
That camera will show them even better!

Very nice camera John. I've convinced most of my family to give Fuji cameras a try, had nothing but good luck with them myself.

Many thanks for your interest lads.

Tin, it isn't a digital SLR, which it looks like, the lens is fixed on there permanently. The next step up would be an SLR, but they are a bit too expensive to drag around in the shop.

I'm hoping that the slomo feature will be worth it's weight in gold, most things these days go too fast for me to see.

I'm hoping I have the chance to try it out today, but this is the first show I have been to in ages, and I am hoping a lot of my old contacts are still with us, so it might be all gum beating today, rather than looking at things.

Nice camera John. We bought a Fuji bridge last year after my little Sanyo packed in. It's quite a bit lower spec than yours but still takes nice photos - which would be a whole lot better if either of us knew what we were doing with it.

My motto: If you can't take shots - take lots!
I have a high-speed Casio and love the high-speed mode (I think I suckered Rake into believing one of my wobbler videos made with it for a brief time was real speed). I'd be very interested to see some 1000 fps video from the Fuji.