A Cheap Digital Height Gauge

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Dec 12, 2012
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One of the tools/excercises in the apprentice school was a height gauge
Machined base,spring loaded rocker arm for fine adjustment etc
Long gone now and made obsolete by the vernier or digital height gauge
When I fitted dro glass scales to the mill I removed a 300mm dro scale from the Z axis
First thought was to fit it to the lathe,but I am happy with dials on the lathe
So although I have only limited use for one and it would not cost me anything
I decided to use it to make a digital height gauge. Here are the first steps
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I really like the shape of the base. Keep up the good work
An enjoyable exercise.Always wanted one but never thought I would have
enough use to warrant buying one.Main thing was not allowing the digital scale
to sit unused in the drawer,and its cost nothing to make.Made a couple of knurled adjust/locking screws and spent a pleasant hour scraping the base
Ground up a piece of 6mm sq HSS and made fitted a fi adjusting screw
Looks and works good,now to uses for marking out etc
Unquestionably a very fine project which will be in constant use.

Barry, Somewhere in my 'down load' to you, there is something similar from a cheap Chinese vernier. .

Might I suggest that a slip of carbide either brazed or silver soldered would add the usefulness? Mine ,a classical vernier design-- has two scribers but isn't as readable because I have to use my watchmaker's glass to set it.

Best wishes

Thanks Norm,i have a few verniers but gave up using them when
digital readout became affordable.Still prefer a std mike tho if working
in imperial.I can still see and feel a thou.Have to think about 0.02mm
I like to use a digital mike when switching between imperial and metric
Mainly use the digital vernier but don't trust it for close tolerances due
to springing/out of square etc. Keep well Regards barry
Nice piece of work Bazmark.

The funny thing here is moments before I finished watching a series of video on youtube from mrpete. There is did a much simpler height gage. That put a smile on my face.
One of the tools/excercises in the apprentice school was a height gauge
Machined base,spring loaded rocker arm for fine adjustment etc
Long gone now and made obsolete by the vernier or digital height gauge
When I fitted dro glass scales to the mill I removed a 300mm dro scale from the Z axis
First thought was to fit it to the lathe,but I am happy with dials on the lathe
So although I have only limited use for one and it would not cost me anything
I decided to use it to make a digital height gauge. Here are the first steps
Nice bit of work, well done.
Interesting coincidence. I am about to advertise a digital height gauge on eBay this weekend.
Looking for £30 plus any postage estimated at £8.60

Digital height gauge 1.JPG
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