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  1. R

    Hello all

    As I've taught several machinists, I've learned that the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
  2. R

    316 Stainless steel cutting

    Maybe 17-4
  3. R

    Thread Dial

  4. R

    Thread Dial

    Once I get the threads started, I never take it out of gear. I let it run back a way to check the threads. If I'm using the tail stock, just slide it back. Saves me a lot of rework.
  5. R

    Casting brass.

    Yay. Got my lathe back together. Brazed and recut the gear. All finished and running. Thanks everyone..
  6. R

    Casting brass.

    Brazing came off better than I expected. Found a slit saw in my stash for the first cut. If not for the 5⁰ angle it would be easier. But that's why we are called machinist.
  7. R

    Casting brass.

    I did make the shaft yesterday.
  8. R

    Casting brass.

    My skiis certainly aren't what they use to be, but I can do it. If I braze it I'll probably recut on the Bridgeport. My machining skills are better than my welding skills.
  9. R

    Casting brass.

    I might braze the bad teeth if I can't get something to make another one. I really need to get the lathe going. My Atlas isn't as hefty as th Grizzly. The gear an shaft are not available.
  10. R

    Casting brass.

    Need help on how to cast a 2" round x 3" long brass to make a gear for my lathe. Broken drive gear.
  11. R

    What have you been doing today?

    Got my Bridgeport back on line today Got my Bridgeport back on line today. Scraped the Y gibs a little bit. It works smoother and easier now
  12. R

    What have you been doing today?

    I took mine at 62 then worked part time. Was doing pretty well until my wife got ovarian cancer the second time. I had to quit and stay home to take care of her. When she passed in December 2015 the shop was closing. I still worked at home a little but the income was half.
  13. R

    What have you been doing today?

    That looks great.
  14. R

    What have you been doing today?

    Started rebuilding my Bridgeport today
  15. R

    What have you been doing today?

    The doctor was very clear about that. DON'T RIDE AGAIN!. So I gave up my bikes. My head wouldn't take another bump.
  16. R

    What have you been doing today?

    I had to deal with that cognitive stuff after I broke my brain August 2021 in my motorcycle wreck. My wife broken leg and I couldn't drive for 6 months. Home health care and my kids kept us from killing each other. Lol
  17. R

    Deep Drilling In aluminum block

    I've always drilled smaller, then either finish drilled size or reamer