cnc router plans and recomendations

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Sep 2, 2011
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in the past I have built a wooden cnc router and it works "ok" but its not very rigid, uses a dremel tool etc... today I am searching around for some plans that are a little bit more rigid that I can make from aluminum. I can reuse my nema 32 steppers and controller off my old one and will definitely purchase a new cutting head motor if I can find some good plans.

ive found a few but most are using mdf and 3d printed plastic parts which can in the most part could be cut from aluminum instead of wood but id really like to find some plans that are very specific about what types of materials to use so as to take a lot of the guess work out.

anyone have some plans or can point me to a place to download or pay/order them? looking for something at least in the range of 12"x24"x5" travel. maybe less
I just finished a router build with an X-Y work envelope of about 19 x 39 inches. It's my own design and build. I had built a slightly smaller one ( X-Y of 16 x 20 inches ) two years prior and this was meant to make some design improvements and give me a bit bigger cutting envelope. The frame is made with 8020 aluminum extrusions and it's extremely rigid and fairly heavy. I did a very detailed build write up for Digital Machinist Magazine but I don't know what their publishing schedule will be. If you are interested in building one, let me know.

This could be a very long discussion via the forum. If you would prefer, email me : cnc AT

One item of note; I designed this router so that the size could be adjusted to just about whatever is needed ( within reason ). The only parts that would need to change if scaled up or down would be the lead screw lengths and linear rail lengths. All other parts will continue to fit, regardless of size.
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You may be interested in my CNC machine no plans i'm afraid it just evolved. X axis is basically two 2inch scaffolding tubes joined with two steel box sections. table is built up using 40 and 30mm flat strips to give tee slots.
I've used it to cut Steel and have made attachments to do vinyl cutting and a hot wire foam cutter.
There are several videos on my youtube channel, first video
First off over on CNCZone they have a whole forum dedicated to DIY router machines. Just about any level of DIY machine is covered there.

in the past I have built a wooden cnc router and it works "ok" but its not very rigid, uses a dremel tool etc...
It really helps to define what materials you intend to cut and what your expectations are. There are literally hundreds of possible approaches.

Is your intention just to do wood products or are you interested in palstics, composites, aluminum or harder materials?
today I am searching around for some plans that are a little bit more rigid that I can make from aluminum. I can reuse my nema 32 steppers and controller off my old one and will definitely purchase a new cutting head motor if I can find some good plans.
In my opinion there are few really good plans on the net. You may be better off incorporating ideas from several designs.
ive found a few but most are using mdf and 3d printed plastic parts which can in the most part could be cut from aluminum instead of wood but id really like to find some plans that are very specific about what types of materials to use so as to take a lot of the guess work out.
You will get endless opinions here. For example there are many MDF builds that are rather good machines and are entirely suitable for machining wood. I personally don't like working with MDF due to its irritating nature.

I'm also not a big fan of Aluminum T-Slots in important structural areas of the machine, especially on bigger machines. At least in the past steel, in the form of steel tubing, was a far more economical material for things like gantry beams.
anyone have some plans or can point me to a place to download or pay/order them? looking for something at least in the range of 12"x24"x5" travel. maybe less
That is actually a relatively small machine. This means you can consider moving table vs a moving gantry design.

As for plans it might be better if we had a more info. However if you look at this machine: you might get some ideas. The designer here has spent considerable time on issues of rigidity with plenty of bracing. I'm not thrilled with the the home built linear bearing solution but the design is easy to upgrade. I'm not suggesting you go with this design but rather that it is an example of some of the better plans out there.