New Member From Florida

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Feb 10, 2018
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Central Florida
We're supposed to do an intro post to say hi, so Hi.

My login is CFLBob - Central Florida Bob and I live on the space coast about 30 miles as crow flies south of where the launches lift off from. We watch almost every launch from our backyard.

I've just crossed two years retired as an electrical engineer, from a major supplier to the aviation world, and started messing with machine tools 15 years ago, when my wife got me a Sherline lathe for Christmas.

The shop is now that lathe, a Sherline CNC mill (extended envelope), a Sherline CNC lathe I converted, a Little Machine Shop/SIEG SC4 8-1/2 by 20 lathe and a Grizzly G0704 that I converted to CNC, making all the parts either on my Sherline or on the Grizz itself.

My only engine so far is a simple wobbler steam engine from Little Machine Shop, their 2593. Those are fun, and it seems tons of people build something like it as they get started.

The next project is the flame eater from Philip Duclos' book. I'm in the process of ordering materials I don't have and getting started.

Electrical engineering has virtually nothing to do with mechanical stuff and I'm a rookie machinist at best. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.

Welcome Bob, I have the same mill as you, only over here it is marketed as an Optimum Bf-20LV. I have used it for about two years and don't have a lot to complain about. A few pics of your set up would be interesting. Cheers, Peter
Welcome Bob, I have the same mill as you, only over here it is marketed as an Optimum Bf-20LV. I have used it for about two years and don't have a lot to complain about. A few pics of your set up would be interesting. Cheers, Peter

Thanks for the welcome. I have pictures of the whole shop I could post. It's kind of a dream shop we put in knowing I'd be retiring soon.

Where would those go? Here or ??
Hi Bob, I think it would be OK to post a few pics of your shop here, otherwise start a new thread in "The Shop" section. Cheers, Peter
And another welcome from the land down under.
Hi Bob, I think it would be OK to post a few pics of your shop here, otherwise start a new thread in "The Shop" section. Cheers, Peter

Well, I'll see if I can. To the right of my CNC mill enclosure is the Little Machine Shop lathe. That's the top pic. Next pic is the Sherline mill enclosure and then the two Sherline lathes. Then a bigger picture of the mill in its enclosure. The bottom picture bridges between the enclosure and the Sherlines; it's the PC that runs everything and the big mill's controller box (on a low shelf from Horrible Freight). The pics aren't in any order, but they show up here.




Very impressive! How do you keep it so neat and clean? Mine always looks like I'm halfway through making a train wreck. Cheers, Peter
Very impressive! How do you keep it so neat and clean? Mine always looks like I'm halfway through making a train wreck. Cheers, Peter

Well, it's between projects. I try to clean up between bigger pieces and projects.

Thing is, that's about a third of my shop. I have an area with more woodworking stuff and another where I work on fishing tackle or guns, including reloading. Like I say, a couple of years before I thought I'd be retiring, we built on an addition to the house for a dream shop. It allowed me to add larger tools and do things I could never do before.