Weird issue with cast iron

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I was turning a 1" lump of cast iron bar today, leftover from a bar that I previously turned the liner for my Rupnow engine. It turned fine last time I used it, and the O.D. turned fine but left some strange markings on the surface, kind of a spiral pattern, maybe 1/2" wide for the length of the cut. I did get a photo but it's on my phone and getting it to the computer is difficult. It looks duller than the surrounding metal but the surface finish feels the same.

Anyway, I drilled and bored the piece with no problems and I was thinking how nice cast iron is to machine, then I started on the cooling fins.

The first 3 or 4 were no problem but then I started to get a lot of noise and I had to back out of the cut. The HSS parting blade was worn down on both sides and was smoking hot. Instead of cutting a groove it was cutting a V. I resharpened it and tried again and it finished the cut, but it was noisy. Next groove it did the same thing. Resharpened, tried again and it just kept happening. I changed parting blades and it just kept happening.

I have read about cast iron having a hard skin but I was far deeped into the bar than that. Did I find some sort of hard spot? When I was ready to part the piece off in a different spot, I ran into the same issue yet I manually hacksawed it in the same spot and it was easy.

Any ideas?
If you heat cast iron it can glaze and then you gots trouble. I've been doing this for 30 years and I find that cast iron does cut nice but you can't whang (that's a highly technical shop rat term) on it.
Hard spots as well as sand pockets are common Problems too.
So I may have dulled off my parting blade which then heated the cast iron and made my own hard spot. Sounds logical and I do have a history of making things difficult for myself. Thanks.
Low carbon steel is below 0.2% carbon.High carbon steel is around 0.5%
so can be hardened and tempered with heat.Cast iron is about 5.0% carbon
and forms a hard skin/spots where carbon content content is lower(ie nearer
0.5%) and hardens easily.Cast iron can be annealed by heating/soaking and cooling slowly.In some circumstances it can be as hard as carbide,unmachinable
Your not doing anything wrong just unlucky
I had to part some of my new 1144 stressproof today, and I ran into the exact same problem. Obviously it couldn't be the material at fault.

Anyway, after a bit of investigation it turned out to be a tool problem - the big one operating the lathe that is. I'm not used to this lathe yet and it doesn't have variable speed. Turns out I misread/mucked up the belt and pulley combination and I had it turning almost twice as fast as I thought it was :eek:. Changed to the correct speed and now my parting blade works again. Oops
.... it's good to know I'm not alone in these "learning experiences" ;).
